Theory of Computation Remedial MCQs 2
Q: The finite automata is called NFA when there exists____________ for a specific input from current state to next state
- A: Multiple paths
- B: Single path
- C: Only two paths
- D: None
Q: Finite state machine is ___________tuple machine.
- A: 2
- B: 5
- C: 1
- D: Unlimited
Q: Number of states require to accept string ends with 101.
- A: 3
- B: 4
- C: 2
- D: can't be represented
Q: Language of finite automata is generated by
- A: Type 3 grammar
- B: Type 0 grammar
- C: Type 1 grammar
- D: Type 2 grammar
Q: Transition function of DFA machine maps.
- A: Σ x Σ -> Q
- B: Q x Q -> Σ
- C: Q x Σ -> Q
- D: None
Q: Finite automata needs minimum _______ number of stacks.
Q: Φ in minimal finite automata need _____________ no. of final states
Q: Which of the following are the examples of finite state machine system?
- A: Both c & b
- B: Control Mechanism of an elevator, Traffic Lights
- C: Combinational Locks
- D: Digital Watches
Q: Regular expression for all strings starts with ab and ends with ba is.
- A: ab (a+b)*ba
- B: aba*b*ba
- C: None
- D: ab(ab)*ba
Q: Two finite states are equivalent if ?
- A: Both b & c
- B: Both are final states
- C: Both are non-final states
- D: both have same number of states as well as transitions