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IDBI Bank Recruitment 2021 | Recruitment of Executives | B.E, B.Tech, MBA, BSc, | Apply Now

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IDBI Bank Recruitment 2021

IDBI Bank Recruitment 2021 – IDBI Bank, is inviting applicants for Recruitment of Executives posts. Eligible candidates with desired qualifications can apply for the IDBI Bank Recruitment Job Drive. Freshers are also eligible. We have added the direct link and the official notice below. Check all the post details, vacancies, salary, selection criteria, how to apply, application form link, in the post below.

IDBI Bank Recruitment 2021: Overview

Notification:IDBI Bank Recruitment 2021 Drive
Post:Recruitment Of Executives
Job Type:Contract
Salary:Depends on Post
Last Date:18th August 2021


Industrial Development Bank of India was established in 1964 by an act to provide credit and other financial facilities for the development of the fledgling Indian industry. It is a development finance institution and a wholly-owned subsidiary of Life Insurance Corporation.



Post-wise Salary for IDBI Bank Recruitment 2021 is:

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Candidates applying for the Executive post must possess the following desired qualification:

  1. A Graduate from a recognized university with minimum 55% marks (50% for SC/ST/PWD) in any discipline from a University recognized by the Govt. of India OR any equivalent qualification recognized as such by the Central Government.
  2. The candidate must possess valid Mark-sheet / Degree Certificate that he/ she is a graduate as on July 01, 2021 and indicates the percentage of marks obtained in Graduation while registering online. The date of passing the eligibility examination will be the date appearing on the marksheet or provisional certificate issued by University / Institute. In case the result of a particular examination is posted on the website of the University / Institute and web based certificate is issued then proper document/certificate in original issued and signed by the appropriate authority of the University / Institute indicating the date of passing properly mentioned thereon will be reckoned for verification and further process.
  3. Candidate should indicate the percentage obtained in Graduation calculated to the nearest two decimals in the online application. Where CGPA / OGPA is awarded, the same should be converted into percentage and indicated in online application. If called for document verification.
  4. Applicants are expected to have proficiency in Computers.


  • If declared in the application form, all the documents such as experience Certificate from the past and current employers or Offer Letters, Relieving Letters, Pay or Salary Slips clearly indicating the date of joining and date of relieving for each of the past or previous employer(s). The experience certificate or testimonials produced by the candidates should indicate the date of joining and relieving, designation at the time of joining, date of promotion with designation, if any. Any adverse remark from the previous employer(s) or any act of misconduct/ wrong committed by the candidate would be a disqualification to apply and render the candidature for cancellation.


The upper age limit is:

  • Minimum – 20
  • Maximum- 25


  • The selection process for the post of Executive will comprise of an Online Test. The structure of the Examination is as follows:

The above tests except for the Tests of English Language will be available bilingually,
i.e. English and Hindi.

  • Penalty for Wrong Answers – For each question for which a wrong answer has been 10 | P a g e given by the candidate, one fourth or 0.25 of the marks assigned to that question will be deducted as penalty to arrive at corrected score. If a question is left blank, i.e. no answer is marked by the candidate; there will be no penalty for that question.
  • The applicants will be called for the online test based on the information provided in the online application form submitted by them, subject to scrutiny at a later date.
  • The applicants, who are successful in the online test, would be called for a document verification and Pre-Recruitment Medical Test. The number of applicants called for document verification and pre-recruitment medical test will also be at the discretion of IDBI Bank. Applicants qualifying both in the online test and declared fit i n t h e pre-recruitment medical test shall be considered for final shortlisting. Reference for medical test does not imply final selection, which may please be noted.
  • The final selection or offer of employment would be made based on applicant’s marks in the online test, being found medically fit and subject to fulfillment of all other eligibility criteria as stipulated in the advertisement.
  • The online test for the post of Executive would be held at the following centers i.e. Ahmedabad, Amritsar, Bhopal, Bengaluru, Belgaum, Bhubaneswar, Coimbatore, Chennai, Chandigarh, Delhi- NCR, Guwahati, Gwalior, Hyderabad, Jaipur, Kanpur, Greater Kolkata, Kochi, Lucknow, Madurai, Mangalore, Mumbai/Navi Mumbai/Greater Mumbai/Thane, Nagpur, Patna, Pune, Raipur, Rajkot, Ranchi, Thiruvananthapuram, Vijayawada, Vishakhapatnam etc. (refer to Annexure II). Applicants may select any one center from the above-mentioned centers and indicate the same in his or her application. Request for change of Center will not be entertained. IDBI Bank, however, reserves the right to add or change or cancel any of the Centers for online test depending on the response or number of applications for a particular center. Applicants admitted to the online test will be intimated the time and full address of the venue of the online test through ON-LINE Call Letters required to be downloaded from IDBI Bank’s website Applicants will not be admitted to the online test without the Call Letter. In view of online test Call letter making available online, no duplicate Call Letter would be issued to any applicant/s. vii. The applicants must bring the Original Photo Identity at the time of the document verification and pre-recruitment medical test such as the PAN Card/ Passport/ Permanent Driving Licence/ Voter’s Card/ Bank Passbook with photograph/ Photo identity proof issued by a Gazzetted Officer/ People’s Representative along with a photograph / Identity Card issued by a recognised College/ University/ Aadhar/ Eaadhar card with a photograph/ Employee ID.
  • The online test for the post of Executive would be held on September 05, 2021. Modification or change in the date of the online test, if any, would be updated on the website of the Bank. 11 | P a g e
  • The applicants are advised to visit IDBI Bank’s website tentatively from August 27, 2021 onwards to download their Online Test call letters by entering their registration number and password sent to the registered email id at the time of registration. The link for downloading the call letters for the Document Verification and Pre Recruitment Medical Test (for those applicants who qualify in the online test) will also be made available on IDBI Bank’s website. Applicants would have to visit the bank’s website to download the online call letter for personal Document Verification and Pre Recruitment Medical Test also by entering their registration number and password. IDBI Bank reserves the right to decide the schedule & center of Document Verification and Pre Recruitment Medical Test as per its convenience.
  • The details regarding the time, date and address of the venue of the online test, document verification and pre-recruitment medical test for the short listed eligible applicants would be put on IDBI Bank’s website. No separate communication i.e. either by post or otherwise would be issued to the applicants. Other instructions, if any, in this regard would also be displayed on the website. Applicants are, therefore, advised to visit IDBI Bank’s website at regular intervals.
  • Applicants should carry the print of online Call Letter, application form, e-receipt of payment and all supporting documents (proof in respect of age, education, experience and caste) in original along with a copy of same at the time of document verification and pre- recruitment medical test. Please note that actual scrutiny of the facts declared by the applicants in the application form will be done only on the day of the document verification. Applicants not qualifying the eligibility criteria, or failing to produce any required document on the day of the document verification would not be allowed to attend the pre-recruitment medical test and his or her candidature would stand cancelled. Applicants found prima-facie eligible only would be send for pre-recruitment medical test

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Application Fees/ Intimation Charges shall be as follows –

Rs. 200/- for SC/ST/PWD candidates

Rs. 1000/- for all others


Interested candidates must follow the following procedure to apply for the IDBI Bank Jobs Drive 2021 process:

Candidates can apply only online from 04.08.2021 to 18.08.2021 and no other mode of application will be accepted. IMPORTANT POINTS TO BE NOTED BEFORE REGISTRATION Before applying online, candidates should:

  • Scan their photograph, signature. Left thumb impression and hand written declaration ensuring that all documents adhere to the required specifications as given under Guideline for photograph & signature scan and upload (Annexure I).
  • Have a valid personal email ID and mobile number, which should be kept active till the completion of this Recruitment Process. IDBI Bank may send call letters for the Examination and other information through the registered e-mail ID. In case a candidate does not have a valid personal e-mail ID/mobile number, he/she should create his/her new e-mail ID and mobile number. Before applying on-line and must maintain that email account and mobile number. In case of non-reaching of the communication/information due to technical defect, error or failure, IDBI Bank shall not be responsible for the same.
  • Signature, left thumb impression and hand-written declaration Image:
    • The applicant has to sign on white paper with Black Ink pen. Dimensions 140 x 60 pixels (preferred) Size of file should be between 10kb – 20kb Ensure that the size of the scanned image is not more than 20kb The applicant has to put his left thumb impression on a white paper with black or blue ink.
    • File type: jpg / jpeg. Dimensions: 240 x 240 pixels in 200 DPI (Preferred for required quality) i.e 3 cm * 3 cm (Width * Height) File Size: 20 KB – 50 KB The applicant has to write the declaration in English only clearly on a white paper with black ink.
    • File type: jpg / jpeg Dimensions: 800 x 400 pixels in 200 DPI (Preferred for required quality) i.e 10 cm * 5 cm (Width * Height)
    • File Size: 50 KB – 100 KB The signature, left thumb impression and the hand written declaration should be of the 6 | P a g e applicant and not by any other person. If the Applicant’s signature on the attendance sheet or Call letter, signed at the time of the examination, does not match the signature uploaded, the applicant will be disqualified. Signature / Hand written declaration in CAPITAL LETTERS shall NOT be accepted.



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