ICICI Bank Recruitment 2023, a leading solutions company has announced an off campus recruitment drive for it's Probationary Officers position in 2023. Requirements include a bachelor's degree in engineering or science. Competitive salary and benefits package offered.
TCS National Qualifier Test 2023 - TCS National Qualifier Test 2023 (TCS NQT) is an Ability Test that assesses a candidate's competencies and skills. Each candidate who completes the TCS National Qualifier Test 2023 (TCS NQT) gets an NQT Score. The NQT Score (Cognitive Skills) is applicable for all industries and job roles. The TCS National Qualifier Test 2023 (TCS NQT) is planned to be conducted every quarter. Candidates can take the tests again to improve their previous scores if desired. There are four Variants - NQT, Attitudinal Alignment NQT (Psychometric Test), Industry NQT, and Subject NQT.