Control System
Q: The Nyquist stability criterion and the Routh criterion both are powerful analysis tools for determining the stability of feedback controllers. Identify which of the following statements is FALSE:
- A: Both the criteria provide information relative to the stable gain range of the system.
- B: The general shape of the Nyquist plot is readily obtained from the Bode magnitude plot for all minimum-phase systems.
- C: The Routh criterion is not applicable in the condition of transport lag, which can be readily handled by the Nyquist criterion.
- D: The closed-loop frequency response for a unity feedback system cannot be obtained from the Nyquist plot.
Q: Consider p(s)=s3+a2s2+a1s+a0 with all real coefficients. It is known that its derivative p(s)
has no real roots. The number of real roots of p(s) is
Q: For a unity feedback control system with the forward path transfer function
The peak resonant magnitude Mr of the closed-loop frequency response is 2. The corresponding value of the gain K (correct to two decimal places) is
Q: The open loop transfer function G(s)=(s+1)sp(s+2)(s+3) where p is an integer, is connected in unity feedback configuration as shown in the figure.
Given that the steady state error is zero for unit and 6 for unit ramp input, the value of the parameter p is_________.
Q: Which one of the following options correctly describes the location of the roots of the equation s4+s2+1=0 on the plane?
- A: Four left half plane (LHP) roots
- B: One right half plane (RHP) root, one LHP root and two roots on the imaginary axis
- C: Two RHP roots and two LHP roots
- D: All four roots are on the imaginary axis
Q: A closed-loop control system is stable if the Nyquist plot of the corresponding open-loop transfer function
- A: encircles the s-plane point (−1 + j 0) in the counterclockwise direction as many times as the number of right-half s-plane poles.
- B: encircles the s-plane point (0 − j 1) in the clockwise direction as many times as the number of right-half s-plane poles.
- C: encircles the s-plane point (−1 + j 0) in the counterclockwise direction as many times as the number of left-half s-plane poles.
- D: encircles the s-plane point (−1 + j 0) in the counterclockwise direction as many times as the number of right-half s-plane zeros.
Q: The response of the system G(s)=(s−2)/(s+1)(s+3) to the unit step input u(t) is y(t). The value at t =0+ is ________
Q: Negative feedback in a closed-loop control system DOES NOT
- A: reduce the overall gain
- B: reduce bandwidth
- C: improve disturbance rejection
- D: reduce sensitivity to parameter variation
Q: The open-loop transfer function of a plant in a unity feedback configuration is given as G(s) =K(s+4)/(s+8)(s2−9) . The value of the gain
K (>0) for which the point (–1 + j 2) lies on the root locus is _____.
Q: The natural frequency of an undamped second-order system is 40 rad/s. If the system is damped with a damping ratio 0.3, the damped natural frequency in rad/s is ________.