Advertise With Us:, also recognized as “QPH”, is an Educational Platform for Study Resources & Information.
We assist students by offering Job Alerts, Scholarship & Internship Alerts, University News, Articles, Educational Blogs, Academic News, Competetive Exam Information, Skill Development Programs, University Solutions, Question Papers, and a variety of other resources. was founded in November of 2019 and has been steadily developing since then. We believe in offering high-quality content that meets the needs of students, as well as ensuring that their privacy is safeguarded. As a result, students adore us, and our QPH Communities have expanded from three to over 16,000 individuals (WhatsApp & Telegram).
Why Advertise at
Here are our current stats:
- Weekly Users: 13,000 +
- Monthly Users: 57,000 +
- Monthly Page Views: 123,000 +
- Extensive LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook and Twitter Engagements
We’ve partnered with a number of reputable advertisers whose products and services directly help our students. We are very careful about not partnering with bad advertising who believe in exploiting our students.
Recognizing that every partnership is unique, we offer a variety of advertising options.
Here are some of the advertisement solutions we provide:
- Banner Ads
- Text (Link) Ads
- Sponsored Posts
- Social Media Campaigns
Banner Ads (Available)
- 300 x 250 (Sidebar Top)
- 720 x 90 (Header)
- 300 x 650 (Sidebar Bottom)
- 250 x 250 (Sidebar Middle)
- 336 x 280 (In-content)
- 300 x 250 (In-content)
- Custom Size also available
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