IIs GATE ECE Tough? Will GATE ECE 2024 be tough? Maybe or Maybe Not! Since it depends on how much practice and thorough are you with your concepts. But the main issue that arises, is how to find the best books for GATE ECE 2024, right? For this reason, in this article, we have listed down The Best Books From Top Publications for GATE ECE Exam 2024 (recommended by toppers).
Always remember, simple & hard just two words, if you are prepared, it will be as simple as a cake, but if you are not, then even the easiest paper might result into the worst nightmare for you. So, to prevent it, get thorough with concepts. Go through the entire article, as we might lift off some stress for you, as we have also listed why these are the best books for GATE ECE 2024? (i.e with detailed explanations)
- Covers Entire GATE ECE Syllabus
- Concepts Are Easily Understandable
- Sufficient Questions For Practice
- Recommended By GATE Rankers – Toppers (who did self-study, without any classes)
A) Best Books for GATE ECE 2024 Subject-wise
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Best GATE ECE Books | |||
1 | Network Theory | Network Analysis | Mac Van Valkenburg |
Fundamentals of Electric Circuits | Charles K. Alexander and Matthew N.O. Sadiku | ||
2 | Control System | Automatic Control Systems | Benjamin Kuo |
Control Systems Engineering | I. J. Nagrath and Madan Gopal | ||
3 | Analog Circuits | Microelectronic Circuits : Theory & Applications | Adel Sedra and Kenneth C. Smith |
4 | Communications | Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems | B. P Lathi |
5 | Signal & Systems | Signals and systems | Alan V. Oppenheim |
6 | Electronics Devices & Circuits | Semiconductor physics and devices | Donald A. Neamen |
7 | Electromagnetic Theory | Principles of Electromagnetics | Matthew N.O. Sadiku |
8 | Digital Circuits | Digital Design | M. Morris Mano |
Modern Digital Electronics | R.P. Jain | ||
9 | Microprocessor | Microprocessor Architecture, Programming and Applications with the 8085 | Ramesh Gaonkar |
10 | Engineering Mathematics | Higher Engineering Mathematics | B. S. Grewal |
11 | Quantitative Aptitude | Quantitative Aptitude | R.S. Aggarwal |
A Modern Approach To Verbal And Non-Verbal Reasoning | R.S. Aggarwal | ||
12 | GATE MCQs to practice | GATE Electronics & Communication | R.K. Kanodia |
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B) Analysis of Which Books is Best for GATE ECE 2024 Preparation (Electronics & Communication)
Below is a complete detailed analysis of the Best Books for the GATE ECE 2024 Exam recommended by toppers.
1. Network Theory
- Book Name:- Network Analysis, Mac Van Valkenburg
This is an effective and the best standard book, as it covers the entire syllabus for GATE ECE 2024 preparation. Furthermore, the concepts are well explained & easy to understand.
The important concepts you must especially focus on are for GATE ECE NT are Norton’s Theorem, Thevenin’s Theorem, Maximum Power Transfer Theorem, Delta to Star Transformation, Transient(AC), Steady-State Sinusoidal Analysis, Tree Graphs, Series Resonance & Parallel Resonance. And also Practice problems from the above topics for better accuracy.
Network Analysis by Mac Van Valkenburg
2. Control System
- Book Name:- Automatic Control Systems, Benjamin Kuo
- Book Name:- Control Systems Engineering, I. J. Nagrath and Madan Gopal
If you want your basics to be cleared, then the above ECE books are the best ones you are looking for GATE ECE 2024 preparation.
Firstly, Nagrath M Gopal Book is not only easy to read but also explains all the basic fundamental concepts, which are easily understandable for beginners.
And, secondly, Benjamin Kuo is also good, and provides all detailed explanations & also covers entire concepts lucidly. Because of the Proper Diagramatic explanations and enough questions to solve, this book can be considered better than the other.
The important concepts you must especially focus on for GATE ECE CS areTransfer Functions, Block Diagram, SFG, RH Criterion, Root Locus, Bode Plot, Nyquist Plot, Steady State Analysis, Time Domain Analysis, Frequency Response, Compensators, Steady-State Error.
3. Analog Circuits
- Book Name:- Microelectronic Circuits: Theory & Applications, Adel Sedra and Kenneth C. Smith
Sedra & Smith’s Microelectronics is an awesome book, since, it provides a very detailed explanation & in-depth analysis of all concepts. In addition to the diagrammatic explanation, understanding the concepts are very easy, as the author explains it from the basics.
The important concepts you must especially focus on for GATE ECE AC are Feedback Amplifiers, Op-amp, Clipper, Clamper, Diode, Schmitt Trigger, BJT Amplifier, FET Amplifier, MOSFET, Miller Capacitance, Zener Diode, Voltage Reference Circuits, Wave Shaping Circuits.
Microelectronic Circuits: Theory & Applications by Adel Sedra and Kenneth C. Smith
4. Communication
- Book Name:- Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems, B. P Lathi
B.P.Lathi’s Modern Communication System is an all-inclusive book for GATE ECE 2024 Preparation since it explains the concept in a simple and well-detailed manner, and hence they are easy to understand.
Also, for additional reference, you can refer to the Digital Communication System by Simon Haykin Book. It is also a good book and can be considered for more in-depth concepts but always a secondary option okay! because this book starts at a level where it assumes the reader has some of their basics cleared.
If you require a simpler book, then you can go for Communication System by Sanjay Sharma, which is also equally good as B.P.Lathi.
The important concepts you must especially focus on for GATE ECE Comm. are AM, FM, Random Process, Digital Communication (modulation & demodulation – everything), Information Theory, Inter-symbol interference.
5. Signal & Systems
- Book Name:- Signals and systems, Alan V. Oppenheim
Oppenheim’s Signal and System is the best book, in order to build your concepts and clear all your basics. This book is good, as, firstly, it covers the entire syllabus. Secondly, it provides a very simple explanation of all concepts with examples. And, Thirdly, and most importantly, there are sufficient questions to practice, which will help you to test the concepts that you have learned.
In fact, a better understanding can be achieved in this book. This book is especially fun !! For instance, you would really enjoy the way the author has explained the concepts & stories. As a matter of fact, practicing the questions from this book will surely help give you to understand all of the concepts, more clearly.
The important concepts you must especially focus on for GATE ECE SS are LTI System( Causality, Stability, Impulse Response, Convolution, Poles and Zeros, Parallel and Cascade structure, Frequency Response, Digital Filter Design Techniques ), Continuous-time Signals ( Fourier Series and Fourier Transform, Sampling Theorem), Discrete-time Signals: (Discrete-time Fourier Transform (DTFT), DFT, FFT, Z-transform, Interpolation of Discrete-time Signals), Laplace Transform.
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6. Electronic Devices & Circuits
- Book Name:- Semiconductor Physics and Devices, Donald A. Neamen
This book is great for EDC since it covers all the concepts required for your GATE ECE exam. But one should have the discretion to study only those concepts that are for GATE, as it covers, well in excess of the GATE syllabus. The proper diagrammatic explanation provides a much better understanding of all the concepts & formulas, and for this reason, it is the best book for GATE ECE 2024 to refer for EDC.
The important concepts you must especially focus on for GATE ECE EDC are Drift & Diffusion Current, PN Junction Diodes(All Modes), P & N-Type Semiconductors ( Region Formulas), Fermi Level, Band Diagram, BJT, CMOS Inverter, FET, MOSFET, Responsivity of Photo Diode, How MOSFETS, JFETS are formed, Built-in potential (PN Diode), MOSCAP, Electric Fields.
7. Electromagnetic Theory
- Book Name:- Principles of Electromagnetics, Matthew N.O. Sadiku
Sadiku’s Electromagnetics clears all the hurdles for understanding the concepts since it covers the entire GATE syllabus. Additionally, this book lays equal stress for both theories & practise questions. Furthermore, the theory is explained without any unnecessary jargons and with precise explanation, which makes it quite interesting and also sufficient questions are available in this book, for practice.
The important concepts you must especially focus on for GATE ECE EMT are Electrostatics, EM Waves, Transmission Line, All Maxwells Equations, Curl, Divergence, Antennas, Waveguides, Basics of Radars & Optical Fibres.
Principles of Electromagnetics by Matthew N.O. Sadiku
8. Digital Circuits
- Book Name:- Digital Design, M. Morris Mano
- Book Name:- Modern Digital Electronics, R.P. Jain
Both books are amazing and cover all concepts, but GATE ECE toppers recommend M.Morris Mano as it provides much in-depth & much better proper explanation of concepts in the book.
Coupled with diagrammatic explanation, a better understanding & interest in the subject is developed. It also covers the entire GATE syllabus for Digital Circuits. Digital Circuit is a scoring subject, so understand all concepts to your best.
The important concepts you must especially focus on for GATE ECE DC are Logic Gates, Combinational Circuits – (Adders, MUX, DEMUX), SOP, POS, Sequential Circuits – ALL, Flip Flop, Noise Margin, CMOS Logic, State Machine, Semiconductor Memory, FSM, DRAM, pMOS, PLA.
GATE ECE 2024 | Download GATE 2024 ECE Made Easy Written Notes, here
9. Microprocessor
- Book Name:- Microprocessor Architecture, Programming and Applications with the 8085, Ramesh Gaonkar
Presently, this book is the best standard book for microprocessors for GATE ECE 2024 Preparation, because the Instruction Set and Programming of 8085 is explained in a very simple manner. Therefore, this book is sufficient to get a good score in the microprocessor part.
The important concepts you must especially focus on for GATE ECE MP are Instruction Set of 8085, Pins, Memory Mapping Based Problems.
10. Engineering Mathematics
- Book Name:- Higher Engineering Mathematics, B. S. Grewal
B.S.Grewal is enough for clearing your concepts for GATE ECE engineering mathematics because the concepts are explained with proofs & examples, as a result for which, the concepts are easy to understand.
Follow these steps:- Firstly, study all the concepts from this book. Secondly, then go for the questions to practice. Thirdly, and most importantly practice all problems from R.K.Kanodia or previous year GATE papers. If you do this, then no one will be able to prevent you from getting that 15Marks in GATE.
The important concepts you must especially focus on for GATE ECE Eng. Math is Linear Algebra, Calculus, Differential Equations, Complex Analysis, Vector Calculus, Probability & Statistics, Gauss, Strokes, Vector Integrals, Newtons Raphson’s Method.
11. Quantitative Aptitude
- Book Name:- Quantitative Aptitude, R.S. Aggarwal
- Book Name:- A Modern Approach To Verbal And Non-Verbal Reasoning, R.S. Aggarwal
Both books above are the most famous GATE ECE books for QA & Verbal, because of the number of questions available to practice. This book is indeed the best book to practice for GATE ECE 2024 Preparation, it also contains many solved examples too.
This book also contains questions from various competitive exams, therefore a lot of problem-solving techniques are presented in this book. All solved examples are explained in a very simple manner with examples, for this reason, it is in our list.
But, if you need a book for the concept, then I would recommend General Aptitude by Made Easy Publication(for Quants only). Specifically, this book provides, point-to-point explanation. It also provides important formulas and sufficient solved examples. Furthermore, there are lots of problems to practice and all are at a decent level, which helps you to understand the concept explicitly.
For GATE ECE Level Problems, it is advisable to refer R.S.Aggarwal, and likewise for concepts & formulas Made Easy is good.
The important concepts you must especially focus on for GATE ECE GA are Speed-Distance-Time, Profit & Loss, Simple & Compound Interest, Number Series, Data Interpretation (Pie, Bar, Line), Work, Ages, Blood Relation, Directions (East, West, North, South).
Similarly, for Verbal you must focus on Grammar, Sentence Completion, Pair of Related Words.
12. GATE MCQs to practice
- Book Name:- GATE Electronics & Communication, R.K. Kanodia
Specifically, this is the best book to practice questionaries for all GATE ECE 2024 subjects. Coupled with many questions & their solution, it is, of course, a good book to test how much you are thorough with your concepts. For instance, the following subjects for GATE ECE by R.K.Kanodia available are:-
- General Aptitude
- Digital Electronics
- Network Analysis
- Electronic Devices & Circuits
- Electromagnetics
- Analog Circuits
- Signal & Systems
- Control Systems
- Communication System
- Engineering Mathematics
C) Why GATE ECE Exam?
In the first place, if you want to get into Top Institutes like IITs, IISc, NITs and other top colleges for M.E./M.Tech/PhD, then GATE is the key for entry in such institutes.
GATE Score is also used as a model for recruitment by PSUs (Public Sector Units). To point out, you don’t have to give exam of the respective PSUs you want to enter, as your GATE score is valid for most of the PSUs. Students also get calls from PSUs and packages offered are up to 14LPA, most importantly, some of the PSUs which accepts GATE scores are BHEL, GAIL, IOCL, SAIL, BEL, Oil Indian Limited, Power Grid, BSNL & many more).
I hope, you find this article Best Books for GATE ECE 2024 (Recommended by Toppers!!) helpful. Read all the details carefully, and if any questions, comment down in the comments section, we will answer all your questions.
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Network Analysis, Mac Van Valkenburg
Automatic Control Systems, Benjamin Kuo
Microelectronic Circuits: Theory & Applications, Adel Sedra and Kenneth C. Smith
Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems, B. P Lathi
Signals and systems, Alan V. Oppenheim
Semiconductor Physics and Devices, Donald A. Neamen
Principles of Electromagnetics, Matthew N.O. Sadiku
Digital Design, M. Morris Mano
Microprocessor Architecture, Programming and Applications with the 8085, Ramesh Gaonkar
Higher Engineering Mathematics, B. S. Grewal
Quantitative Aptitude, R.S. Aggarwal
Always remember, simple & hard just two words, if you are prepared, it will be as simple as a cake, but if you are not, then even the easiest paper might result into the worst nightmare for you. So, to prevent it, get thorough with concepts. Go through the entire article, as we might lift off some stress for you, as we have also listed why these are the best books for GATE ECE 2024? (i.e with detailed explanations)
The General Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) 2024 will be given as a computer-based test (CBT) on February 4, 5, 11, and 12. You can get the GATE exam date for 2024 at the GATE website, which may be found at gate.iitk.ac.in.
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Thank You for your appreciation, we will be providing more articles as such for your academics too. Yes sure, we are here to help you all. 🙂
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Thank You, good to know that you liked it.
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Your welcome, we will be adding more of such contents, for your GATE preparation soon, if you have any suggestion about any other article related to GATE that we should add, please comment below.
Nice information about gate exam
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