DBATU Model MCQ – FM Views: 537 [adinserter block="1"] Welcome to your Fluid Mechanics, dated January 17, 2025 1. In a static fluidDeselect Answer resistance to shear stress is small fluid pressure is zero linear deformation is small only normal stresses can exist viscosity is nil None 2. Density of water is maximum atDeselect Answer 0°C 0°K 4°C 100°C 20°C None 3. Fluid is a substance which offers no resistance to change ofDeselect Answer pressure flow shape volume temperature None 4. The property of a fluid which enables it to resist tensile stress is known asDeselect Answer compressibility surface tension viscosity adhesion cohesion None 5. The pressure at a point in a fluid will not be same in all the directions when the fluid isDeselect Answer moving viscous viscous and static viscous and moving inviscous and moving None 6. The bulk modulus of elasticity with increase in pressureDeselect Answer increases decreases remains constant increases first up to certain limit and then decreases unpredictable None 7. Fluid is a substance thatDeselect Answer cannot be subjected to shear forces always expands until it fills any container has the same shear stress.at a point regardless of its motion cannot remain at rest under action of any shear force flows None 8. Mercury does not wet glass. This is due to property of liquid known asDeselect Answer adhesion cohesion surface tension viscosity compressibility. None 9. Which of the following is demensionlessDeselect Answer specific weight specific volume specific speed specific gravity specific viscosity None 10. A fluid in equilibrium can't sustainDeselect Answer tensile stress compressive stress shear stress bending stress all of the above None Please fill in the comment box below. [adinserter block="1"]