DBATU Model MCQ – Signals & Systems Views: 584 [adinserter block="1"] Welcome to your Signals & Systems, dated January 18, 2025 1. The function which relates output of a system to the input(signal) of a system isDeselect Answer Periodic function Non-periodic function Transfer function None of the above None 2. A discrete signal is said to be odd or asymmetric if x(-n) is equal toDeselect Answer X(n) 0 –x(-n) ∞ None 3. Nyquist bit rate formula defines the theoretical maximum bit rate for which channelDeselect Answer Noisy Noiseless bandpass lowpass None 4. The equation y(t) = a x(t)+b comes under which systemDeselect Answer Linear for any value of b Linear if b > 0 Linear if b < 0 Non-linear None 5. What form of waveform is shown here?Deselect Answer A Binary Signal A Multi valued digital signal An Analogue signal Noise Signal None 6. A continuous-time periodic signal x(t), having a period T, is convolved with itself. Then the resulting signal isDeselect Answer Not Periodic Periodic having a period 2T Periodic having a period T Periodic having a period T/2 None 7. The Inverse Fourier Transform of u(ω) isDeselect Answer (1/2) δ(t) + 1/πt ( ½) δ(t) 2 δ(t) + 1/πt δ(t) +sgn(t) None 8. Find the Nyquist Frequency for the given signal x(t) =3 cos 50πt +10 sin 300πt – cos100πtDeselect Answer 50 Hz 100 Hz 200 Hz 300 Hz None 9. The type of systems which are characterized by input and the output capable of taking any value in a particular set of values are called asDeselect Answer analog discrete digital continuous None 10. A system is said to be stable if the bounded input to the system producesDeselect Answer Bounded output Non bounded output Inbound output Outbound output None Please fill in the comment box below. Name Email [adinserter block="1"]