
These Mensuration test questions and answers can be used in an interview, as well as for other types of assessments such as entrance examinations, competitive exams, and job interviews. Everyone who is prepared for a competitive exam has to know about mensuration. To prepare for the Mensuration Online Test, interested candidates should take this practice test. Additionally, we've included a free Mensuration Quiz in this section.

(Please attempt all questions for proper score)

What is the are of an equilateral triangle of side 16 cm?

If the sides of a triangle are 26 cm, 24 cm and 10 cm, what is its area?

The perimeter of a triangle is 28 cm and the inradius of the triangle is 2.5 cm. What is the area of the triangle?

Find the area of trapezium whose parallel sides are 20 cm and 18 cm long, and the distance between them is 15 cm.

Find the area of a parallelogram with base 24 cm and height 16 cm.

The ratio of the length and the breadth of a rectangle is 4 : 3 and the area of the rectangle is 6912 sq cm. Find the ratio of the breadth and the area of the rectangle?

The area of the square formed on the diagonal of a rectangle as its side is 108 1/3 % more than the area of the rectangle. If the perimeter of the rectangle is 28 units, find the difference between the sides of the rectangle?

The length of a rectangular plot is thrice its breadth. If the area of the rectangular plot is 867 sq m, then what is the breadth of the rectangular plot?

The length of a rectangular floor is more than its breadth by 200%. If Rs. 324 is required to paint the floor at the rate of Rs. 3 per sq m, then what would be the length of the floor?

An order was placed for the supply of a carpet whose breadth was 6 m and length was 1.44 times the breadth. What be the cost of a carpet whose length and breadth are 40% more and 25% more respectively than the first carpet. Given that the ratio of carpet is Rs. 45 per sq m?

What will be the cost of building a fence around a square plot with area equal to 289 sq ft, if the price per foot of building the fence is Rs. 58?

The area of a square is equal to five times the area of a rectangle of dimensions 125 cm * 64 cm. What is the perimeter of the square?

A wire in the form of a circle of radius 3.5 m is bent in the form of a rectangule, whose length and breadth are in the ratio of 6 : 5. What is the area of the rectangle?

The area of a square is 4096 sq cm. Find the ratio of the breadth and the length of a rectangle whose length is twice the side of the square and breadth is 24 cm less than the side of the square.

The circumferences of two circles are 264 meters and 352 meters. Find the difference between the areas of the larger and the smaller circles.

A 25 cm wide path is to be made around a circular garden having a diameter of 4 meters. Approximate area of the path is square meters is

The parameter of a square is equal to the perimeter of a rectangle of length 16 cm and breadth 14 cm. Find the circumference of a semicircle whose diameter is equal to the side of the square.

There are two circles of different radii. The are of a square is 784 sq cm and its side is twice the radius of the larger circle. The radius of the larger circle is seven - third that of the smaller circle. Find the circumference of the smaller circle.

A cube of side one meter length is cut into small cubes of side 10 cm each. How many such small cubes can be obtained?

The dimensions of a room are 25 feet * 15 feet * 12 feet. What is the cost of white washing the four walls of the room at Rs. 5 per square feet if there is one door of dimensions 6 feet * 3 feet and three windows of dimensions 4 feet * 3 feet each?

The radius of a wheel is 22.4 cm. What is the distance covered by the wheel in making 500 resolutions.

The volumes of two cones are in the ratio 1 : 10 and the radii of the cones are in the ratio of 1 : 2. What is the length of the wire?

A metallic sphere of radius 12 cm is melted and drawn into a wire, whose radius of cross section is 16 cm. What is the length of the wire?

The ratio of the volumes of two cubes is 729 : 1331. What is the ratio of their total surface areas?

Find the area of a rhombus whose side is 25 cm and one of the diagonals is 30 cm?

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