Complete Data Analysis Course for Absolute Beginners [2020]

Complete Data Analysis Course for Absolute Beginners [2020]

Course Price: ₹8,640 Discount 100% OFF
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Learn the data analysis and visualizations using R and Excel. Data manipulation using SQL in Oracle / MySQL.

331 students Already Enrolled
● Created by Piyush S,

Data Analytics

↪ What You Will Learn?

◆ R programming from Beginning to Advance
◆ Learn to plot scatter , bar chart , histograms, time-series
◆ Start writing simple to the most advanced SQL queries in Oracle and MySQL
◆ Create own database in your laptop – Oracle and MySQL
◆ Acquisition Analytics to find out which customer segment is the profitable using EXCEL
◆ Data Visualizations using ggplot and Base plot
◆ Upload real world data like bank marketing data with 45,000 records
◆ Start using SQL queries on powerful R and Python console and plots graph for visualizations and data analysis
◆ Import / Export files from and to database
◆ Investment Case Study to identify the top3 countries and investment type to help the Asset Management Company to understand the global trends using EXCEL

Course Content


  • Passion for Data


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The course is packed with real life projects examples

  1. Get Transformed from Beginner to Expert .
  2. Become expert in R programming.
  3. Start using SQL queries in Oracle , MySQL
  4. Start doing the extrapolatory data analysis ( EDA) on any kind of data and start making the meaningful business decisions.
  5. Start writing simple to the most advanced SQL queries.
  6. Integrate R and Python with Database and execute SQL command on them for data analysis and Visualizations.
  7. Start making visualizations charts – bar chart , box plots which will give the meaningful insights
  8. Learn the art of Data Analysis , Visualizations for Data Science Projects
  9. Learn to play with SQL on R and Python Console.
  10. Integrate RDBMS database with R and Python
  11. Create own database in your laptop/Desktop – Oracle and MySQLImport and export data from and to external files.

Real world Case Studies Include the analysis from the following datasets

1. Bank Marketing datasets ( R )

2. Identify which customers are eligible for credit card issuance ( R)

3. Root Cause Analysis of Uber Demand Supply Gap ( R)

4. Investment Case Studies: To identify the top 3 countries and investment type to help the Asset Management Company to understand the global trends ( EXCEL)

5.  Acquisition Analytics on the Telemarketing datasets : Find out which customers are most likely to buy future bank    products using tele-channel. ( EXCEL) )

6. Market fact data.( SQL)

↪ Who this course is for:

  • Beginners who are looking to start career in Data Engineering and Data Science

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